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The Kraken Walketh

By Climate fiction Dystopian

With the enormous eye as a reference point, they could resolve the shape’s features: a fin, a long barrel of mantle, a splay of serpentine arms. As the crowds milled and jostled for a view, the Doctors Sen watched the creature’s vast form fade to the ghostly white of cephalopod senescence. A cephalopod of an order that had already used up superlative names—giant, colossal—without anticipating how much size remained to classify. Only legend and myth could provide a name.

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Mother’s Nature

By Dystopian Soft Sci Fi

As they continue walking, She looks around. They were told that today was an auspicious day, so to be prepared that there would be a significant number of people for today’s birth date alone. She watches groups like theirs, meandering about the different patches. Patches filled with cabbage like plants, people on their tiptoes trying to peek into the closest plants that haven’t opened up yet.

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